This piece was created for a STEM event for grade-schoolers at George Mason University December 4, 2019. Bluetooth Midi device is linked to the program Max MSP and acts as the tool for manipulation. Attached to the center of a 3D printed gyroscope the movement of the device informs the changing of images and range of distortion. Hydrogen was chosen as the central circle to affix the midi device to as it is the most abundant element in the universe, as well as one of the oldest. I wanted this project to explore how people interact with information as well as how human beings view our small place in the universe. In certain positions images become clearer, forcing users to pay attention to how their motions effect their environment. Images of Earth mixed in with images of the other planets in our Solar System include rainforests and Arctic Ice, both currently under threat due to Climate Change. Placing into perspective the necessity of working to better our own planet while looking outwards to study others.
MaxMSP Image Stills

The data system created is fairly simple in design; with position and rotation of the device impacting notes and image selection. When the “X” button at the top is clicked the program begins to run. Linked through bluetooth to the computer the numerical data of the midi devices position is translated into data which Garageband correlates to musical notes. The “noteout” node is what connects the two programs. the second branch to the “pmedia” node links to the second image in which visual data is processed and manipulated. The “zmap” node transforms the numerical data of the midi device into a range that's understandable for the visual nodes it connects to.

Midi device linked to the program Garageband the corresponding notes which correspond to numerical data to play when the midi device moves.